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Star 05.07.12 | 04:26
I have been trying this thing for hours and it will not work. First let me tell you I have A nokia c7, when i connecte it to the pc 2 autoplays come up, one says removable disk j and the other says blackberry k, I have tried it boths ways and I do not see the files on my phone at all. Also when I go to extract the dr.web anti-virus and the norton windows can not open the sis file extension so i definetly need help with that. Is there any way you guys can help me cause i need it bad!!! thx
Ari 17.06.12 | 07:44
Whats the total number of apps now culrentry available for symbian belle??? Im thinking of getting a Nokia 603 & use it along with my Lumia. windows phone has around 82000 apps & its growing at 10000 apps per month so just wated to know!!!
yasin 26.04.12 | 14:38
copy rom patcher install server & no recored tone to c drive and paste in to new folder patches.
shaki 25.04.12 | 07:24
all done but i have trouble in TRemoveRecTone. whene i put this sys.bin rompatcher only show me TRemoveRecTone not showing open 4 all and installserver plz tell me correct path.
mark 31.03.12 | 13:07
its not wirking on nokia e7 . is there enythinh can i do to hack my phone??
marti 12.03.12 | 05:27
necesito el cer y el key aora
vaibhav 03.02.12 | 18:24
i have tried all the install servers but not working can you send me any link from wich i can download install server for my nokia e63