3. After you have found installserver thats competible with your device, copy it to your moemory card
4. Now comes the ''hacking''
5. Open Xplore and create new folder, name it exactly like this:
6. Move the installserver to folder .Sys/Bin
7. After that Copy folder .Sys/Bin to zip and name it wtf .. as u like .. Example hack.zip
8. Last part extract the zip folder that u made to phone memory or mmc
9. That's all and see what happen .. [Restart Phone]
PS : Don't forget to put a "point" in front of folder
All credit goes to TOG3X DS
Notes :
1. This method is not working if you have performed factory setting {*#7370#}
or with 3 finger trick.
2. If you want it to work, you'll need to reflash phone again using phoenix (not jaf, remember)
3. IF failed you can also modify,change installserver with dis three
files (*.ldd) and than install RomPatcherPlus LiteVersion_3.1
4.Hardreset with trick 3 fingers not with code*#7370# ...
hi i have nokia 5233 v(50.1.001) and didnot hack any softweres please solve my problem what i do?
satria indonesia 29.09.11 | 07:26
how to hack nokia 5233 50.1.001 please send your answer or tutorial into my email at benjoboutexadie@gmail.com, thnx and so sorry my speak is not gud....