In a move that is going to break the hearts of a
lot of people, Nokia has decided against launching the Nokia N9 in the
US as well as the UK.
The company was contacted by Engadget and The Inquirer
regarding the availability in the US and UK respectively and in both
the cases they were met with a negative response. Although Nokia is
delighted with the positive response the N9 has received from everyone
they also made it clear that they currently have no plans for launching
the N9 in these markets.
The carrier-centric nature of these markets could be the reason why
Nokia doesn’t feel it is a good idea to launch the N9 there. Or they
simply don’t want to take the focus away from their upcoming Windows
Phone 7 devices. Whatever the reason is, we are disappointed to see
Nokia take this move. After a long time a Nokia phone had generated so
much interest in the public and a lot of people were really looking
forward to it. We guess they will have to find other ways to get their
hands on the phone now.