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![header-nba header-nba-300x92 NBA Pro Basketball 2009](http://mobyfuel.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/header-nba-300x92.jpg)
Experience the most authentic NBA simulation, 100% real teams, 100% real players!
1. Authentic NBA action: real teams, real players.
2. Easy-to-pick-up gameplay; instantly experience high-level basketball!<!–more–>
![untitled-1-copy2-300x197 untitled-1-copy2-300x197 NBA Pro Basketball 2009](http://mobyfuel.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/untitled-1-copy2-300x197.jpg)
3. Take part in the 2008 All-Star weekend events!
4. Hit the court for one game or a whole thrilling season.
5. Change your strategy in real time.
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