|     uploaded by on 08.12.08 @ 15:45
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You've just arrived from your hometown to escape your past. Now you've
decided to make a name for yourself in one of the gangs in your new
stomping grounds. You never back away from danger or even let morals
stand in your way. Plus you've got mad skills when it comes to handling
weapons and driving with attitude in the wild inner-city. So you have
everything you'll need to become the biggest gang leader that the city
has ever known! Of course, you'll have to start at the bottom by first
settling your debt with Kingpin, the neighborhood godfather who
organized your arrival.
Compatible: Nokia: 3120_classic, 5300, 5310_XpressMusic,
5610_XpressMusic, 5700_XpressMusic, 6110_Navigator, 6120_classic,
6121_classic, 6233, 6234, 6265, 6265i, 6270, 6275, 6275i, 6280, 6282,
6288, 6290, 6300, 6301, 6500_classic, 6500_slide, 7370, 7373, 7390,
7500_Prism, 7900_Prism, 8600_Luna, 8800_Arte, E50, E51, E65,
E90_Communicator, N71, N73, N75, N76, N81, N81_8GB, N82, N92, N93,
N93i, N95, N95_8GB, N95-3_NAM
and all s60v3
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