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With .99 in our pockets, we faced a tough decision. Either we hopped
into the car and raced to McDonald’s for some delicious dollar menu
goodness, or give developer Steven Anderson some dough (so that he
could go to McDonalds) by purchasing his iPhone game, Alien Invasion.
Thanks to sales tax, we headed to the App store to get our poke on.
Fortunately for Mr. Anderson, his game is good enough that we don’t
miss the cheeseburger…too much.
video games, Alien Invasion is about a bunch of aliens invading Earth
and the only sap brave enough to save humanity from certain doom;
that’s you, by the way. What ensues is a lot of finger poking madness,
as you frantically tap on-screen UFOs to make them explode.
Some of these UFOs abducted innocent civilians, and unless you enjoy
Game Over screens, it’s in your best interest to leave them alone.
Don’t even bother saving these folks, since their fates (presumably a
good anal probing) are sealed. Instead, concentrate on the ones without
people and blow them up, paying close attention to the blast radius so
that you don’t “accidentally” kill people.
As you progress through the game’s ten levels, you’ll unlock
achievements for being super awesome as well as access power-ups that
in theory will make your life easier. On the downside, it’s difficult
figuring out what they do, so it’s best to poke first and ask questions
later. Except your questions won’t have answers. Get used to it.
You can also forget about posting high scores to an online
leaderboard, though complaining about that is like criticizing
McDonalds for not slapping filet mignon in its chicken sandwich. For
.99, Alien Invasion is a cool game that’s good for a few minutes every
now and then. We certainly don’t regret purchasing it, despite our
empty bellies, so go ahead and save the world from extraterrestrial
butt plundering.
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