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    uploaded by redpepper007 on 16.01.09 @ 18:15

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PhonePhreak Software SMSBlink V1.10 S60v3 Retail

SMSBlink Screensaver makes the keyboard/screen blink silently to indicate there has been a message or a call. So when you get back to your phone, you’'''ll know right at a glance!

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Tired of having to press a button in order to see if you have missed a message or a call - each time when you have left your phone alone for some time? SMSBlink makes you notice right at a glance! With SMSBlink, the keyboard (or screen) light will start blinking silently after there has been a new messages or a call that you have not noticed. Finally, your phone will be as useful as a regular answering machine! And like a regular answering machine, your phone will just be blinking silently - just so that you know there is a message, and can choose to attend to it whenever you wish!

SMSBlinks replaces the normal screensaver whenever the system notification about new messages or calls has been on display for more than 30 seconds. In this case, the screen goes black and the keyboard light starts blinking. (Alternatively, you can choose to have the display backlight flash. In this case, the screensaver displays an icon that will be lit up every 10 seconds.) In order to see the sms/call notification, simply press the "OK" button or slide the phone open. If you then choose to cancel the notification, SMSBlink knows that you wish to take care of the message/call later, so it will not start again. Also, when a message or call arrives while you are currently in an app, SMSBlink assumes that you have taken notice, and will not become active. SMSBlink will activate only when the phone is in idle mode (i.e. the idle screen is visible). SMSBlink can be deactivated any time by selecting it from the list of running apps (hold down Menu key).

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Category: s60v3 | Comments: 3 | Views: 642 | Downloads: 117 | Rating: 5.0/10

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13.01.10 | 07:15

This feature is already built in on E75. biggrin

12.01.10 | 06:30

gr888.. biggrin

11.01.10 | 21:30

this is very useful app! biggrin at least for me happy

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