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    uploaded by on 02.03.11 @ 17:22

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RocketDial Pro (Smart Dialer) v2.6.0

Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: RocketDial is very powerful touch screen based dialer which allows you :

- Smart search T9, search for names, organizations, title, phone numbers, keyword can be in anywhere
- Our
program will help you quickly find the desired caller by writing the first letter of the contact name such as "C". (Supports only English letters)
- Favorites support, large buttons for select (3x3), quick and easy dialing.
- Support group contacts: send messages, write emails, delete your contacts in one click, everything is fast and convenient.
- Speed dialing numbers 1 - 9, press and hold the button to assign a speed dial. You can also configure the speed dial menu.
- Search Contacts simply through finger-drawings
- Easy to use contact list that displays not only names, but also the company, as well as positions of contacts.
- Easy to use.
- Advanced call history for each contact
- Quickly create a reminder in your calendar for the contacts.
- Displaying Contacts in a order "Frequent" or in a order of "Business Title" or in a order of "Business Organization"
- And many other exciting improvements!

Recent changes:
What's new:
1. Fixed search T9
2. Optimized code
3. Optimized graphics
4. Added Skins
5. Grouping the call log
6. Added vibration duration settings
7. In T9 added search Company / Position
8. Added ability to clear letters on the keyboard
9. Added the ability to add speed dial the desired phone of the contact
And many other

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Rating: 0.0/0

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Category: Applications | Comments: 0 | Views: 418 | Downloads: 13 | Rating: 0.0/0

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