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    uploaded by on 04.04.11 @ 22:49

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Lucid Dreamer v1.1

Guardanus' Lucid Dreamer is the only Android application available that can help you successfully Lucid Dream.

The goal of this application is to help you enter a Lucid Dreaming state by playing a short Binaural beat repeatedly after you have fallen asleep in order to help you realize that you are actually asleep whilst you dream. Once you make that realization, the possibilities of your dreams are endless!

All you need to do is open the app, set the delay to a number larger than the time it takes for you to fall asleep, click the "Start Dreaming" button, and go to sleep. That's it! Lucid Dreamer will do the rest and start playing the beat after the countdown reaches 0. When you wake up, just hit the "Stop Dreaming" button and Lucid Dreamer will stop after the music cycle ends.

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Rating: 5.0/12

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Category: Applications | Comments: 8 | Views: 634 | Downloads: 47 | Rating: 5.0/12

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06.04.11 | 15:16

I didn't get what exactly this application does. Could anyone explain?

06.04.11 | 20:38

Pepz is the expert on this Swapz.

06.04.11 | 21:07

haha :D wikipedia has all the answers:

the short version: you are aware of yourself while dreaming, that enables you to do anything you want knowing its just a dream and that you are sleeping in your bed

05.04.11 | 14:47

i want this on my 6120 :( i sometimes have dreams about chicks getting naked but after tht nothing happens ... imagine what i can do with this :D

05.04.11 | 21:02

unfortunately you cant have sex while in lucid dream... you just wake up immediately :(

05.04.11 | 23:24

it happened to you ?

06.04.11 | 08:28

No, I read it on all internet forums :D Didnt want to waste lucid dreams :D

04.04.11 | 22:53

I uploaded this with Pepz in mind. Maybe this will make you switch to Android. :p

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