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(5/12/2010) *H2O* A Full featured custom firmware for the N8
  redpepper007 Date: Friday, 13.01.12, 13:12 | Message # 1
"Chuck Testa!"

Forum posts: 1277
Awards: 67

H2O for N8! Full featured custom firmware! Lots of new N8 mods!

thanks to @faenil

Hi guys, here it is, this is my first firmware for N8, even if we can still only modify the C DRIVE

I have decided to name it H2O, thus naming it after the successful N2O series of Custom Firmwares of firmwares for i8910, that I started publishing back in August 2009, and which has been downloaded million of times worldwide!

I hope you’ll appreciate this firmware, let me hear your feedback, your opinion, and your suggestions to make a better firmware, as soon as you have tested this one! I haven’t had much time to test it, so if you find any bug or problem, just let me know as soon as possible, and I’ll be glad to fix it as soon as I can

I’d also like to really thank CODeRUS, Il.Socio, and fonix232, for their side support and help

Here’s the list of the mods included in the firmware, lots of which have been adapted by myself for the N8!

written by @faenil



* More cpu time to alfappserver.exe

* Hacked InstallServer! Thanks to CODeRUS

* Full System Dir Access FileBrowser (Thanks to PNHT Team / Hx Team)

* Theme Effects complexity reduced to speed up system

* Music harvester will now only look in E:\\MUSIC\\|F:\\MUSIC\\ to speed up library refresh, note: you have to create the MUSIC folder manually

* Doubled MPX heap size

* You can now use the dialer in LANDSCAPE

* MediaPlayer’s percentage of max volume raised from 40% to 60%

* Wlan wizard icon unlocked in menu!

* HTTP cache set to Infinite and moved to RAM to avoid browser from easy crashes and to speed up navigation!

* Voice Recorder max time set to 5 HOURS instead of 1!

* Voice recorder quality set to High by default

* Voice recorder kbps set to 256kbps instead of 128kbps!!

* Max data object size set to 4096bytes

* Added many folders to the blacklist for Gallery, so that you won’t see software icons and stuff like that in gallery


* You can change Startup/Shutdown animations in C:/Anim/ (startup.gif, startup.mp3, shutdown.gif, shutdown.mp3) … You have to create the Anim folder manually

* Removed Default accessory connected notification —-> BY CODeRUS, thanks bro!


* Continuous autofocus (IT ONLY WORKS FOR SHORT DISTANCES, disable it to record videos of far objects!)

* Video 30 FPS and bitrate lowered to 9Mbps for HD videos to allow LAGLESS video recording! (It will miss frames when going from short to far distance all at once, because the camera changes focus mode, but this is normal)

* IN VIDEO RECORDING —> AUDIO QUALITY SET TO 288kbps INSTEAD OF DEFAULT 128kbps!! (this does not mean you’ll get more than double audio quality of course )

* Picture quality set to 95 instead of 85 (photos will be bigger in size and more definite)


There is also a NetworkMod.sis package which you can find in C, which will set this options as default (PLEASE NOTE: INSTALL IT RIGHT AFTER FLASHING!!! AND REBOOT!!!):

* Local Network set to ONLY WIFI (it won’t autoconnect to 3g anymore! )

* Roaming network set to ONLY WIFI (it won’t autoconnect to 3g anymore! )

* Wifi AutoSearch is DISABLED

I created this package because everytime I flash my N8 after 5minutes it autoconnects to 3G network, and makes me spend lots of money…with this patch I know that once I have flashed, I install that sis, reboot, and I’m ok, no more worries


* Since the N8 is missing lots of icon skinning features at the moment I decided to give theme makers a hand, restoring some of the minor uid skinning for the icons that could not be skinned so far by theme makers on N8, such as the TOOLS folder, the WEBTV folder, and the LOGS icon in the homescreen. This means that with H2O, you’ll have those icons skinned with the theme icons, while on official fw or any other cfw not using my mods, those icons will stay default ones


The theme is Aurora by BabiNokia, modified on purpose for H2O! (You’ll notice the H2O app loader in the upper right corner of your open applications )

Thanks BabiNokia

H2O by faenil, N8 CFW

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