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Main » N-Gage 2.0 on Nokia 5800xm
N-Gage 2.0 on Nokia 5800xm


After gathering information from various sources I have finally managed to compile a decent guide to install N-Gage 2.0 on the Nokia 5800 / 5800xm using the files which have been circulating the web for the past few months. The guides I have had to use are poorly written/translated from Persian so hopefully the following guide will be easy to understand and follow.

Installing NGage:

  • Download the NGage Install Package which I have compiled here.
  • For this to correctly work, you will need to have your phone hacked, this should be no problem providing you have a little confidence and common sense. A guide on hacking your phone using HelloOX can be found on this site.
  • I can confirm that using HelloOX does work. If you're phone is already hacked with HelloOX and you're having trouble, ensure that all patches (open4all etc.) are applied and set to auto using ROMPatcher.
  • Copy the file "NGage 2.0 Installer.sis" to your phone and install it. You will need to sign the file using SignSIS or a similar application, you should already have a certificate if you have hacked your phone as you need to sign HelloOX to hack successfully. The install process will take quite some time and you will be prompted to press "Yes" to various warnings. I can confirm that no harm has come to my phone from this process.
  • Once NGage 2.0 Installer.sis has been installed, you will be able to find it under "Applications" on your phone. The icon will be an orange "N" and it will say "Games" underneath. To play N-Gage 2.0 games they must be copied to "E:\N-Gage" with "E:\" being your memory card.

Controlling NGage:
Since NGage is designed for phones with a keypad, and the Nokia 5800 is almost completely touchscreen, the controls must be customized. I have so far come up with two solutions, they are as follows.

Control Method 1:
This is the most stable and easy to configure control scheme, I can confirm this works OK.
  • Sign and install "Virtual Keyboard.sis" which can be found in the "Control Method #1" folder of the Install Package.
  • Run the virtual keyboard application from your "Applications" menu and then start the NGage application. You can use the Virtual Keyboard to control your games.

Control Method 2:
This control scheme is still a work in progress but, with some fiddling and a varying degree of luck, you may be able to get it to work. Some people have confirmed it working with different settings. I feel that this setup, if working correctly, would be the best way to control NGage on a Nokia 5800. I would like to request feedback from anyone who has this method working!

  • Sign and install "Virtual Keyboard.sis" and then "Virtual Key.sis", both of which can be found in the "Control Method #2" folder of the Install Package.
  • Start up "Virtual Keyboard" so that you have it running on screen and then proceed to start up "Virtual Key".
  • In the Virtual Key application, choose "Options" then "Load Mode" and choose "Custom Mode 1".
  • Press "Options" then "Add". Highlight "Original Key" and then press the Right arrow on the Virtual Keyboard application you loaded earlier. Then highlight "Mapped Key" and hold down the "Volume -" key then press the "Volume +" key. If all has worked correctly the mapped key should change to "Vol+". Then do the same for the following:

    Then press "Options" and save your "Custom Mode 1".

  • Set the Virtual Key application to run in the background and completely exit the Virtual Keyboard application.
  • Start up the NGage application and try to play a game. Hopefully the Up/Down volume keys will control Left/Right when holding the phone horizontally, and the other keys should do what you mapped them to above. You may have to use the volume keys in the same way you had to set them (Hold down Vol- and press Vol+ etc)

This way those who have Nokia 5800 with no key and only Shtabsnj phone can all play with each other implements in the Nokia N97 Nokia 5800 will also run. First of all must be Download 3 files (Installer N-Gage5800, RockNScroll, VirtualKey), there are three that should install on your phone.

After installing the three software, Run Rock.N.Scroll, with this software you can phone up your direction keys to simulate your phone.

Run VirtualKey run from Gzynh, Add Options and select the image below in accordance with their phone to replace keys virtual move. 4 for this work to do on the virtual key image according to the simulation you are

Now you enter the software Rock.N.Scroll and high bar, go to program settings (Photo wrench)

On Operating Mode Setting click here to go to Auto Mode

According to the following settings can apply to this section

Now return back and Gestures Setting section and go on the Push / Pull and click Settings under the photo according to this section can apply

Installing N-Gage 2.0 games tutorial: click here
Full and free N-Gage 2.0 games: click here

Category: others | Views: 8780 | Added by: redpepper007 | Rating: 4.3/3

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16.12.11 | 19:05

how to solve kern exec3 in nokia c6-00 while trying to play n-gage games

16.12.11 | 21:06

use troubleshooter;

copy correct .txt file and free up some ram maybe

16.12.11 | 18:59

how to solve kern exec3 in nokia c6-00 while trying to play n-gage games pliz help beg you

13.04.11 | 21:08

does n gage 2.0 works on nokia c6-00?

13.04.11 | 22:41

it shoud work as it is also s60v5 (if you mean c6-00)

29.08.12 | 04:36

does ngage work on nokia 5230

31.10.10 | 14:26

installing asphalt 3 error :@ :@ :@ WHY???

20.10.10 | 01:51

When I try to instal singed ( I Singed file before I transfer it to phone) Virtual Keyboard I get this msg:
Unable to instal.
Constrained by the certificate.

Btw I instaled NGage Installer. I have hacked 5800 v51.0.006 RM-356.

20.10.10 | 08:26

if you have hacked your phone, then u dont need to sign anything wink

12.05.11 | 20:37

how did you hack that SW ... ? i have the same but hellox doesn;t work ? bad english >/

01.09.10 | 18:03

i have nokia n97, then what should i do? follow this tutorial, or just install n-gage 2.0 normal

01.09.10 | 21:11

dunno, try both. Maybe start with this one

sharfuddin shaikh  
04.08.10 | 10:16

hey 5800 n-gage application and games works on 5233 and 5230

18.06.10 | 23:13

how come it doesnt work for nokia 5530 pls help

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