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Main » Index of all the CFW for s60v5/v3
Index of all the CFW for s60v5/v3
Custom Firmwares for N97
[CFW] Hegazy Ultimate N97 V5.0 Rm-505 v22.0.110 All Language Supported The Fastest
(CFW) N97 v21.0.xx & v22.0.110 Created by Pirates_Killer
N97 CFW RM-507_21.2.045_prd.rofs2.V28
Sonia's N97 RM-507 21.2.045 rofs2 English Only Mega Pack
N97 by ...::: Zn@nY :::... v1.01b (N97 RM-505 v21.0.045 PC 0576368)
N97 v21 1st ever custom firmware test! PNHT
N97 v21.0.045 RM505 CFW By naughtypope
N97 V21.0.045 CFW + extra (euro) languages added
N97 v21.0.045 Custom Firmware With Free 20 Caps Root Cer - Integrated Into ROM
[CFW] Hegazy Ultimate N97 V3.0 Rm-505 v22.0.110 The Fastest You Will Ever Met
[CFW] Hegazy N97 Ultimate v9.0 RM-505/507/506 All Languages Supported 22.0.110
[CFW] RM-505 v22.110 Hegazy Ultimate N97-c6 v20.42 v11.0 Who Dare It !!!
Hegazy Final Ultimate N97 v8.0 Rm-505 v22.0.110 All Language Supported Bugz Fixed
[CFW]Hegazy Final Ultimate N97 v7.0 Rm-505 v22.0.110 All Language Supported Available
[CFW] N97 RM-505 TugaPower v3.0 22.0.110
[CFW] Hegazy Final Ultimate N97 v6.0 Rm-505 v22.0.110 All Language Supported
[CFW] UltimateN97 V5.0 N97 RM-507 V22.2.110 Customize Firmware All Language Supported
[CFW] N97 Sym^3 featured by Ntv_79
[CFW] Hegazy Ultimate N97 V4.0 Rm-505 v22.0.110 All Language Supported The Fastest
[CFW]Hegazy N97 Ultimate v10.0 RM-505/507/506 All Languages Supported 22.0.110 Update
N97RM505 -v22.0.110 -"The Tribute" Based on C6v40,BETA 2 RELEASED !!!

Custom Firmwares for N97 mini
CFWs Collection for N97 MINI RM-555_12.0.110 by SymbianGod
*** Navi CFW by ivo777 N97 mini RM-555 12.0.110 ***
*** Xpress Music by ivo777 [CFW for Nokia N97 mini RM-555 12.0.110] ***
*** 'Rulzzz' by ivo777 [CFW for Nokia N97 mini RM-555 12.0.110] ***
*** 'Hi-Tech Storm' by ivo777 [CFW for Nokia N97 mini RM-555 12.0.110] ***
[***HOT***] Fastest CFW for N97 mini RM-555 12.0.110 by ivo777 [***HOT***]
Swordfish's CFW v1.0 for Nokia N97 mini RM-555 based upon v12.0.110
N97 Mini CFW Euro1 CH.B v11.0.45 Date 27/02/10
N97 MINI CFW by IoEsisto RM555 - V.11.0.045
N97 mini v11 part custom firmware for test! PNHT
CFW Ported C6 for n97mini RM-555 12.0.110
Nokia N97min RM-555i v12 CFW C6 port by nxhoang90
NOKIA N97mini RM-555"CFW-DROID" with "Android Startup Animation"
Nokia N97 Mini | RM-555 | 12.0.110 | SCL^3 | C6 ported CFW by Sercczionelabus
R30fazt cfw n97mini rm-555 v 30.0.004
N97 Mini | RM-555 | 30.0.4 | SCL^4 | CFW (New Browser, Emoticons, 9 Languages, Etc.)

Custom Firmwares for Nokia 5800XM
Nokia 5800 RM-356 V52 | Nokia StarK Based On N97 MINI fw
Rm-356 vortex 5800-c6 superfast custom firmware by +phadly+
CFW Axioma Beta 5800 (Universal) by PKY85CFW
5800xm Monster Edition 2.0 by Redy 4 Life (RM-356)(English Only)
CFW Symbian Edition V1 (51.0.006 RM356) By AJ23
C6 V20.0.041 Firmware ported to Nokia 5800 V52.0.007 Fully Working
C6 Firmware Fully Working on 5530/5800-Release Files-by PNHT
Nokia C6 v11.0.029 Firmware Fully Working on 5530/5800
5800v51 extended with c6 firmware v2(Redfined and buggless)
Quicken 1.0 [51.0.006/C6-11.0.029] [5800] [18/9/2010]
nokia 5800 S60 Inovations /C6 PNHT
Nokia 5800 XM V50 Extreme Edition By Rezaee3001 Design
XTE Blaze Ultimate for 5800 v50 by Upakul
Nokia 5800-C6 Reborn RELEASED (06/09/2010)
5800v51 extended with c6 latest firmware v11
Nokia 5800 XpressUniverse v 60.0.001
(CFW) 5800 V51.0.101 RC2.0 Created By AppleOrangeFruit
Nokia C6 Custom Modified Firmware for Nokia 5800 by Mr. Pingu
(CFW) 5800 v50.0.005 Created by Pirates_Killer
(CFW) Nokia 5800 RM-356 v51.0.06 by AppleOrangeFruit
(CFW) 5800 RM356 & RM428 v50.0.005 PIRATED v5 by Pirates_Killer
5800XM-MONOLOGUE RM-356 released, the No Bugs CFW
Nokia 5800 RM356-RKY C6 V20 By Rawand Kurdy|mEnCFW Team |Bugfree|
Nokia 5800/RM 356 FW 52 CFW C6v20/Himura V3.2
[NEW] Firmware C6-00 V20.0.042 on 5800 (V52.0.007) & fast(New silde unlock)
Nokia 5800 RM356 - RKY C6 V17 Build 2 By Rawand Kurdy|mEnCFW|18/2/2011|
5800/5530/523x C6-mEnCFW v5.00 By Abood & Mohammad |mEnCFW Team| The Legend
Nokia 5800 RM 356 - RKY C6 V16 By Rawand Kurdy|mEnCFW Team|27/1/2011|
Nokia 5800 RM-356 v52 - C6 V20.0.041 - PNHT Official
[CFW] SPECIAL EDITION BY SCORPION FOR Nokia 5230,5800,5233,5232,5228
5800 Charade v52
Nokia 5800 v52.0.7 Full Hacked By Rawand Kudy (Thanks PNHT)
"TRANSFORMED" Custom Firmware For Nokia 5800 - Basic & Ultimate(Beta) By Gautam Behal
ThunderStorm for 5800 RM-356(In Future for 5530)
Nokia Photon - Fastest Firmware - 5800,5530,523x,X6
CFW [5530-5250-5800 C6v20 & 40] Catisback By Andydj80
[Released] Krystal^1 - based on C6v40 | Nokia 5800 XM | RM-356
NOKIA 5250|5800|5230|5530|523x|X6 DHOGZ CFW BASED on c6 v40.0.021
Krystal^1 - based on N97v30 | 5800, 5233, 5230, 5530, 5250, X6 |All RM supported

C^6 Custom Firmwares available here :
CFW For Original Nokia C6 V11.0.029 by Biggzy.
C6 RM-612 v11.0.0.029 Modded CFW.
Cfw rm-612 v20.0.041 for original c6-00
C^6-MONOLOGUE RM612 released, from the ever popular Monologue Series - No Bugs CFW
PhotonEdit C6-04 The Fastest Firmware Based on N97v30 ported cFw

X6 Custom firmwares available here:
The X6 Remix (RM-559 v30.0.003) by dude2009 (Updated)
The X Firmware For X6 v31.0.4 By ahmad_afef |mEnCFW Team|
X6 v21.0.004 CFW by dude2009 (Nick2008) (ENG) (Particle & Smooth Rotation Effects!)
The one and the Magical CFW for X6 "Magical X6"
X^6 MONOLOGUE RM-559 released 08-04-11, Final & no bugs
X^6 Transformed - a CFW creation by strategist based on C6 port ver 20.0.043
The X6^C6 Remix (RM-559 v31.0.004) by dude2009 (Updated)
Firmware c6 v20.0.042 now woking on x6 v30.0.003
Nokia Photon - Fastest Firmware - 5800,5530,523x,X6
X6-TRANSFORME, RM-559 - a cfw for X6 ver 31.0.004 by strategist
Nokia X6 - RM-559 V32-C6v40 - The X6^^Phoenix by NJosh
The X6^C6 Remix (v32.0.002^40.0.021) by dude2009 (Updated)

523x Custom firmwares available here:
Nokia523x-RKY C6 V20 By Rawand Kurdy |mEnCFW Team| Ported By babu.rajiv and 008Rohit
Nokia,5230/35,c6v20,k™iLLER^1<Xpress Yourself With Style™>By itZoM™
[CFW] SPECIAL EDITION BY SCORPION FOR Nokia 5230,5800,5233,5232,5228
Nokia 5233 RM-625 (21.1.102) CFW Hacked (NO other mods)
[HOT] C6 v20.0.041 Firmware Ported To All Nokia 523x phones - PNHT
Nokia 5233 RM-625 Decent CFW {Hell Riders v1}
Nokia Photon - Fastest Firmware - 5800,5530,523x,X6
Nokia 5233 fw 21.1.102 official release.
SpaceXGen CFW 2.0 for Nokia 5320XM 6.203
Nokia 5233,5230 XtreMe-C6 SuperB CFW EveR...(XtreMe^1 Ultimate Released..)
CFW [5530-5250-5800 C6v20 & 40] Catisback By Andydj80

NOKIA 5250|5800|5230|5530|523x|X6 DHOGZ CFW BASED on c6 v40.0.021
Krystal^1 - based on N97v30 | 5800, 5233, 5230, 5530, 5250, X6 |All RM supported

N85 Custom firmwares available here:
THE N85-RM333 v.31 Edit 2 Ultimate

N79 Custom firmwares available here:
CFW: Nokia N79 RM-348 32.001 First Edition

N72 Custom firmwares available here:
Nokia E72 052.005 permanent Hacked....!!!!

N86 Custom firmwares available here:
N^86 MONOLOGUE, RM484 rel 16 apr, the No Bugs CFW
NOKIA N86 8MP CFW version 1 codename XPERIENCE by STRATEGIST for fw 30.009

N5530 Custom firmwares available here:
Nokia Photon - Fastest Firmware - 5800,5530,523x,X6
XPERIENCE INDIANA - a STRATEGIST CFW creation for N86 ver 30.009
Category: others | Views: 4013 | Added by: redpepper007 | Rating: 0.0/0

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