Request your Transperent Wallpaper here *Steps you must fill the request with before you ask a wallpaper*
1> Just Give us your name,or the name you want to be displayed on the wallpaper.
2> Name or send the link of the font you want the wallpaper/Text to be displayed of.
3> Give Description of the Colors you want the Text to Display and also if you want the Glow Effect [IF YES,Specify the color].
4>Your Request will be entertained only if the above stepz are complete,or mention in your post that I can decide the fonts and colors of the wallpaper
5> Transperent Wallpapers DON'T Support .JPG format.
6> Once your request is processed,your post will read as Status: Processing
7> Once your request is complete,your post will display as Status: Done!
8> If information not entered properly or its not mentioned that I can edit the fonts and colors, then a INCOMPLETE! will be displayed.
9> Images will be uploaded for Downloading the wallpaper,however as the disk space is low some will be uploaded on Photobucket,so you'll need to RIGHT CLICK and click SAVE AS to Download.
10> I hope you all got the points so letz Start with it!